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Prompt-Spec - Next Generation Agent Prompt Optimization
DocumentationAPI Reference

API Reference

This page provides a comprehensive reference for Prompt Spec’s programmatic API.


To use the Prompt Spec API in your project:

npm install prompt-spec # or pnpm add prompt-spec

Core API Functions


Run benchmarks against an agent specification.

import { testSpec } from "prompt-spec"; const results = await testSpec(specPath, options);


  • specPath (string): Path to the YAML specification file
  • options (object, optional):
    • watch (boolean): Watch for changes and rerun tests
    • reporter (string): Test reporter to use
    • benchmark (string): Run a specific benchmark by name
    • timeout (number): Timeout for each benchmark in seconds
    • outputPath (string): Path to save results


  • Promise resolving to a results object


Convert a YAML specification to a test file.

import { transpileSpec } from "prompt-spec"; const testFilePath = await transpileSpec(specPath, options);


  • specPath (string): Path to the YAML specification file
  • options (object, optional):
    • output (string): Output path for the generated test file
    • format (string): Output format (‘ts’ or ‘js’)


  • Promise resolving to the path of the generated test file


Optimize an agent based on benchmark results.

import { optimizeAgent } from "prompt-spec"; const optimizedSpec = await optimizeAgent(specPath, options);


  • specPath (string): Path to the YAML specification file
  • options (object, optional):
    • iterations (number): Number of optimization iterations
    • outputPath (string): Path to save the optimized specification
    • model (string): Model to use for optimization
    • strategy (string): Optimization strategy (‘prompt’, ‘tools’, ‘full’)
    • verbose (boolean): Show detailed optimization process


  • Promise resolving to the optimized specification object

Agent API


Create and interact with an agent.

import { Agent } from "prompt-spec"; // Create from a specification file const agent = await Agent.fromSpecFile("path/to/spec.yaml"); // Create from a specification object const agent = new Agent(specObject); // Run a conversation const result = await agent.runConversation([ { role: "user", content: "Hello, can you help me?" }, ]);


  • runConversation(messages): Run a conversation with the agent
  • runBenchmark(benchmark): Run a specific benchmark
  • runAllBenchmarks(): Run all benchmarks defined in the specification

Benchmark API


Create and run benchmarks.

import { Benchmark } from "prompt-spec"; // Create a benchmark const benchmark = new Benchmark({ name: "Simple Test", messages: [{ role: "user", content: "What is the capital of France?" }], evaluationCriteria: [ { key: "accuracy", description: "Is the answer correct?", type: "boolean" }, ], }); // Run against an agent const result = await;

Tool API


Register and manage tools.

import { ToolRegistry } from "prompt-spec"; // Register a tool ToolRegistry.register("myTool", { description: "My custom tool", handler: async (input) => { // Tool implementation return { result: "Tool output" }; }, inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { query: { type: "string" } } }, }); // Get a registered tool const tool = ToolRegistry.get("myTool");

Evaluation API


Create custom evaluators for benchmarks.

import { Evaluator, registerEvaluator } from "prompt-spec"; // Create a custom evaluator class MyEvaluator extends Evaluator { evaluate(response, expected) { // Evaluation logic return { score: 0.8, reason: "Explanation of score" }; } } // Register the evaluator registerEvaluator("myEvaluator", MyEvaluator);

Utility Functions


Load a specification from a file.

import { loadSpec } from "prompt-spec"; const spec = await loadSpec("path/to/spec.yaml");


Validate a specification.

import { validateSpec } from "prompt-spec"; const validationResult = validateSpec(spec); if (validationResult.valid) { // Specification is valid } else { console.error(validationResult.errors); }


Generate a report from benchmark results.

import { generateReport } from "prompt-spec"; const report = generateReport(results, { format: "markdown", includeDetails: true, });



Configure global settings for Prompt Spec.

import { configure } from "prompt-spec"; configure({ defaultModel: "gpt-4o", apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY, timeout: 60, logLevel: "info", });


Prompt Spec provides an event system for monitoring the testing process:

import { events } from "prompt-spec"; events.on("benchmark:start", (benchmark) => { console.log(`Starting benchmark: ${}`); }); events.on("benchmark:complete", (result) => { console.log(`Benchmark complete: ${result.score}`); });

Next Steps

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