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Prompt-Spec - Next Generation Agent Prompt Optimization
DocumentationCLI Reference

CLI Reference

This page provides a comprehensive reference for Prompt Spec’s command line interface.


The Prompt Spec CLI is installed automatically when you install the package:

npm install -g prompt-spec # or pnpm add -g prompt-spec

Command Overview

Prompt Spec provides the following main commands:

  • test: Run benchmarks against an agent specification
  • transpile: Convert a YAML specification to a test file
  • optimize: Optimize an agent based on benchmark results
  • init: Create a new agent specification template
  • validate: Validate an agent specification

Common Options

These options are available across multiple commands:

  • --help, -h: Show help information
  • --version, -v: Show version information
  • --config, -c: Specify a configuration file

Command: test

Run benchmarks against an agent specification.

prompt-spec test [options] <spec>


  • --output, -o: Output path for the generated test file
  • --keep, -k: Keep the generated test file after running
  • --watch, -w: Watch for changes and rerun tests
  • --reporter, -r: Test reporter to use (default, json, verbose)
  • --benchmark, -b: Run a specific benchmark by name
  • --timeout, -t: Timeout for each benchmark in seconds (default: 30)


# Run all benchmarks in a specification prompt-spec test agent-spec.yaml # Run a specific benchmark prompt-spec test agent-spec.yaml -b "Password Reset Test" # Run tests with verbose output prompt-spec test agent-spec.yaml -r verbose # Run tests and save results to a file prompt-spec test agent-spec.yaml -o results.json

Command: transpile

Convert a YAML specification to a test file.

prompt-spec transpile [options] <spec>


  • --output, -o: Output path for the generated test file
  • --format, -f: Output format (ts, js) (default: ts)


# Transpile a specification to a test file prompt-spec transpile agent-spec.yaml # Specify output path prompt-spec transpile agent-spec.yaml -o tests/agent-test.ts # Transpile to JavaScript prompt-spec transpile agent-spec.yaml -f js

Command: optimize

Optimize an agent based on benchmark results.

prompt-spec optimize [options] <spec>


  • --iterations, -i: Number of optimization iterations (default: 3)
  • --output, -o: Output path for the optimized specification
  • --model, -m: Model to use for optimization (default: gpt-4o)
  • --strategy, -s: Optimization strategy (prompt, tools, full) (default: prompt)
  • --verbose, -v: Show detailed optimization process


# Basic optimization prompt-spec optimize agent-spec.yaml # Optimization with 5 iterations prompt-spec optimize agent-spec.yaml -i 5 # Full agent optimization prompt-spec optimize agent-spec.yaml -s full

Command: init

Create a new agent specification template.

prompt-spec init [options] <name>


  • --type, -t: Template type (basic, customer-service, qa) (default: basic)
  • --output, -o: Output directory (default: current directory)


# Create a basic agent template prompt-spec init my-agent # Create a customer service agent template prompt-spec init customer-agent -t customer-service # Specify output directory prompt-spec init my-agent -o agents/

Command: validate

Validate an agent specification.

prompt-spec validate [options] <spec>


  • --strict, -s: Enable strict validation


# Validate a specification prompt-spec validate agent-spec.yaml # Validate with strict mode prompt-spec validate agent-spec.yaml -s

Environment Variables

Prompt Spec CLI respects the following environment variables:

  • AGENT_BENCH_CONFIG: Path to a configuration file
  • AGENT_BENCH_API_KEY: API key for LLM providers
  • AGENT_BENCH_MODEL: Default model to use
  • AGENT_BENCH_TIMEOUT: Default timeout in seconds

Configuration File

You can create a configuration file (.prompt-spec.json or .prompt-spec.yaml) in your project root to set default options:

{ "defaultModel": "gpt-4o", "timeout": 60, "reporters": ["default", "json"], "outputDir": "./results" }

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